
Library Resources

  • Should I Still Eat That?

    Should I Still Eat That?

    WHILE SOME EATING HABITS MAY BE CONSIDERED QUIRKY (like putting ketchup on everything), others are downright dangerous. That’s usually because they up the risk for food poisoning from mold, bacteria, viruses, or parasites. These nasties can trigger uncomfortable symptoms, like stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. Less often, illness leads to arthritis, kidney or brain damage, or even death.

  • Know the Warning Signs of an Aneurysm

    Know the Warning Signs of an Aneurysm

    An aneurysm occurs when a weak spot in an artery wall starts to bulge out like a balloon. Some aneurysms develop slowly over a period of years. Many cause no problems.

Wellness Center

Many Youngsters Suck Their Thumbs

Young children often suck on their thumbs. It's perfectly normal. But some parents worry about it.


Anemia Quiz

Answer this one: What is the most common cause of anemia?


Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is also known as "hay fever." The symptoms can be seasonal, especially in the spring and fall, or year round. In this video, you'll learn what happens when you have allergic rhinitis and what you can do to minimize symptoms.

Symptom Checker