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Paget Disease Quiz

Take the Paget Disease Quiz

Paget disease is a condition that affects the bones. It often causes them to become enlarged and deformed. Worldwide, it is the second most common bone disease, after osteoporosis. It is named after Sir James Paget, who first diagnosed the disease in 1877. Learn more about Paget disease by taking this quiz.

1. How does Paget disease affect the body’s normal process of breaking down and rebuilding bone?
2. Experts believe that Paget disease may be caused by:
3. Paget disease most often strikes which age group?
4. The symptoms of Paget disease are often confused with:
5. Which bones are most commonly affected by Paget disease?
6. A healthcare provider can best diagnose Paget disease with which test?
7. In addition to osteoarthritis, Paget disease may lead to what other disorders?
8. Treatment of Paget disease may include which of these?

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